This month in Comics!

Here’s what you can find:

This month’s Judge Dredd Megazine, part 1 of the six part Devlin Waugh tale, Two Months Off. In which Devlin takes a well deserved break and as we all know nothing can ever go wrong on holidays, right? RIGHT?

Here’s the pencils and inks from page 1.

Also, coming up, Judge Dredd Case Files 46 – more details here

Finally you should be able to pick up Battle Action this month featuring me and John McCrea on HOOKJAW!

Look at this mad Steve White cover!

I don’t know what I can show you of Hookjaw, I did the scaffolding and plumbing for John and he built this extraordinarily pretty comic.

It did give me a rare chance to pull the old “let’s drop the credits in the water” opportunity

It was, I think, one of the more technically complex things I’ve drawn (lots of sharks in the water, people on boats, and drones in the air…)

That’s not the only shark action I did this month, I also got to draw… GUMS!

Unsure when you’ll see that, but man, that was so much fun to draw!

Anyway, that’s your lot, more as I remember them!

Outside of comics, the rehearsals continue apace. Had forgotten just how much i love acting. Even the sitting around waiting part of acting, I’ve always really loved, so doing that again (while also acting as a prompt for other people’s lines) was a real proper pleasure. I fill so much of my time with DOING that not doing seems like a real luxury.

AND… I have finally completed couch to 5k – the 8 week course, took maybe 15 weeks, and I’ve run two park runs (in the slowest possible time for a human, hitting about 45 minutes both times, though a five/ten minutes of that was me walking).

Now doing a regular Monday/Wednesday/Friday (at least that’s the plan) 4-5k run.

I had to fill in a form asking how much exercise I do and, for the first time in my life, I had to scroll past “NO ACTIVITY” to “THREE-FOUR times per week”

I’m still fat. I can’t outrun that. I need to think about my diet, because I would like to lose some weight too – but feeling pretty smug, going from walking half a k and getting sore legs to regularly running 4k (30+ minutes non stop running) is pretty good. Now just gonna keep consistency for running and slowly get towards a 5k around 30-35 minutes. I’ll be happy with that.

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