Sunday recap

Last week I thought I’d try a new way of working (nothing to do with drawing, everything to do with organising myself) and you can read about it here.

I’m going to add to that process by doing a Sunday recap, where I just look to see how it worked/what’s next.

Mon 6Dredd #3 LayoutsDONELight day, really, but that’s ok.
Tue 7Dredd #3 pencils 1 & 2DONEBit of a struggle to get second page done – family stuff tends to eat time. But that’s ok.
Wed 8Dredd #3 pencils 3 & 4DONEDitto.
Thu 9Dredd #3 pencils 5 & 6DONE
Fri 10CHANNEL HEX DAYDoneNo script yet, but began redesigning elements and thinking about artistic style for the book. Stuff that needed done anyway. I have 5 pages of this pencilled and inked, but was never happy with it. (Maybe this is always the problem with work without a deadline though)
Sat 11Research “D”DoneActually, researched it and layed it all out. 8 pages of strip.
Sun 12Layout “D”Did it yesterday, above

One of the key things to what I’m trying to do is not overburden myself with stuff, even when it seems very possible. And to give myself days where I’d consider them “light” – a full day to do layouts on 6 pages? crazy. But that’s just the target, after that, I have time to do other things. I’m trying NOT to do the other things that are on my task schedule, because what I’m trying to avoid is that feeling that “oh no, I did loads but it was not enough” – I definitely enjoy working more than not working, but, for example, if I’d done layouts on monday and raced ahead to pencil the strip the same day and got, say, a page and a half of pencils done, I’d’ve felt like I didn’t manage to get enough done. Punishing myself for getting ahead. It’s bonkers, but it happens.

As it happens, during the week, because I had room for thinking, I also came up with a kid friendly cartoony style that might be the basis for two entirely different new projects. I conferred with John Reppion on year two of our folklore friday. Which will be the same but different. Very different. I also did layouts for a friend for a strip and laid out the self-written Jericho 5 (a four page strip I’m doing for The 77 – a fanzine based on the kind of British comics that came out before US comics dominated everything).

So in all, did what I wanted and allowed me freedom to do more. (Without it, I’d’ve felt guilt that I wasn’t working and would never have had the brainspace to do more)

So, now, next week, here’s how I see it shaping up.

Mon 13Dredd inks 1 &2I’ve already started inking 1, which is me instantly negating everything I’ve just thought about above. BUT, I’m gonna put it away for Monday.
Dredd page 3
Yuck. Just gonna get my tax paid. Honestly, I’ll need a lie-down after this. (Yes, it’s early to pay, but I like to get this stuff out of the way)
Wed 15Dredd inks 4 & 5I feel like two pages of inks might be too much, but we’ll see.
Thur 16Dredd inks 5 & 6I do love the plain simplicity of those days where it’s just – draw x and y.
Fri 17CHANNEL HEX DAYIf I’m waiting on a script, it’ll be working on the cover, and the book size
Sat 18Pencils D pages 1 & 2Project D I’ll talk about it when I can.
Sun 19Pencils D pages 2 &3

And that’s my plan. I feel like it’s a little more filled than last weeks and that might be a mistake. Plus I’ve got to make room for drawing Folklore Thursday (which takes approx 3-4 hours) and I’m going to try and up the blogging schedule a bit plus I have to record a podcast next sunday, which eats up most of a night.

Last week I felt like I got everything done I need too. This coming week i feel like it might be a struggle. But we’ll see.