Why Not!? Collection One!

Well, Thomas (age 13 now) has spent some time now crafting you a whole new issue of Why Not!? – collection one because, well, it’s 40 pages! You can download it here:

And don’t forget if you’re new to Thomas’ comics, he has a bunch more here, including Why Not!? Issue 1, 2 and the Xmas Special, and a Monkey Arms comic.

He has worked his little butt off and I hope you appreciate it! If you enjoy the comic you can donate to my paypal (and I’ll make sure he gets it!)

[paypal_donation_block email=’pjholden@gmail.com’ amount=’3.00′ currency=’GBP’ size=’large’ purpose=’Why Not!? Thomas’ mode=’live’]

Servant 72 Volume 1

Thomas, age 12, has been putting every wannabe writer/artist to shame (including me, his dad) by sitting himself down and just writing and drawing his own comics. This is his latest – Servant 72. I won’t spoil it, but inside you’ll meet a nice friendly robot servant with a fixed rictus grin who – unbeknown to him – has been the happy-to-serve slave of a vicious intergalactic warlord.

Here for you to enjoy, please leave a comment, Thomas loves comments!

The Fly

Thomas (age 12) has written and drawn a complete graphic novel called “FLY” – he’s done it all on the ipad, using the apple pencil and an app called “Comic Draw” (a kind of comic studio for kids – you can script in it, pencil, ink and colour and then letter the entire thing in this one program)

Here’s the complete work in two parts:

Part 1

Finn is a teenager who works at a trash job in a trashy home but little did he know his life would take a turn for the worst when a speeding car runs him over and he ends up in hell. Since he didn’t live a good life he was turned into his least favourite animal, a fly and since he didn’t go into the brain crusher he still has all his memories of being a human! Can Finn convince his friend that it’s really him and can they find a way out of this mess?!

Part 2

When Finn died and was turned into a fly his life changed for the worst. Desperate to turn back he get transported to the afterlife. Can Finn fly past Satan’s anger or will Finn get caught in his web!?