Tag: helltober

  • Skulduggery Pleasant Panel

    Well, today was the skulduggery pleasant panel day, I sat with Nick Lake (editor) and Derek Landy (author) and watched as the crowd were in thrall to Derek (who really knows how to work his crowd)

    I mostly tried to hide behind my ipad and made occasionally funny remarks.

    Then we did a signing, and I suppose after doing stuff like this for 16 or so years, Derek has become really really good at crowd work. Good big queue, bodes well for the book. They’ll be doing another yay! with a different artist! boo! (don’t worry if they keep going, at some point I’ll do another)

    Derek and Nick and team are keen to see as many different artists interpret that world as possible, so hopefully the next person will be able to turn in artwork very different to me (but if you’re reading this different artist, make it just a little bit not as good? cheers!)

    Spent time at the venue then back at the hotel, and I’m learning something not great about myself, I’ve almost no bravery when it comes to exploring. I could’ve got a cab back to cheltenham proper, but I sat at the bar had a dinner (on expenses) and ate and then came to my room and slept.

    If my wife were here she be making me get in a cab to go in to town just to see what’s there. (And then heading back for 9:30 to go to sleep, and I’d be sat here blogging and drawing and mumbling about how I could be doing this at home)

    Now I want to go home, but won’t be able to do it until tomorrow.


    Did a inktober helltober thing this morning, but drew it in a silly cartoony style, which took seconds so decided to colour it too.

    Am I tempted to do this again but make it proper serious? Yes. Will I? No. Because I am lazy. So very very lazy.

  • Cheltenham!

    Well, I’m in Cheltenham, I think. Largely on my own at the moment, so have taken the time to have some me time. Me time is important, guys. (Me time involves eating some food and having a nap, this stuff isn’t hard – just let me sleep!)

    Found this at the hotel:

    A bottle of Prosecco in a bucket of ice.

    Which was lovely and made my wife even more regret that she’s not here. I’m gonna use it as a paper weight, as I don’t really drink.

    (Though now I think it’s from the hotel chain as a gift because I think we were supposed to be staying at the Queen’s hotel which is dead centre in Cheltenham instead we’re staying at a different hotel which feels like it’s in the middle of nowhere – this would appear to be the fault of the hotel)

    Because this place is so out of the way, I’m largely confined to barracks for the moment (the nearest tesco express is 1.4 miles away!)

    Still, that means I can sit and do some work (yay!) so here’s an inktober I didn’t think I’d get time to do.

    The Pale Man, holding both hands in front of his face, one hand is open showing his eye in the palm of his hand. There is text beside him that reads “In the Kingdom of the Bline the One Eyed Man is King”

    When I do this inktober / monsterober / helltober things I draw them and then try desperately to think of something that would be funny with them. This just popped in to my head whole.

    Anyway, depending on how things go (will I open and drink this Prosecco… maybe…?) I might drunken blog later. We’ll see.

  • Johnny Ghoul

    Well, I’m still trying to figure out the name of my undead detective. Was going to go for Johnny Ghoul, but turns out this is such a great idea lots of people have used it. Ugh. Back to the drawing board.

    Today I pencilled a page of it (actually pencilling a second right now too) and here’s a sneak peaky…

    Three panels from a comic strip. Drawn in a film noir style. Panel 1 is a city at night, art deco buildings and beside it a circular panel with the an undead detective. Panel two, close up of a mob bosses face, inside the detectives office. In heavy shadow from the shades. The next panel a close up of the detective, in heavier shadow.

    Actually very happy with how that pencilled page has turned out. Archangel (the city of monsters) is a sort gothic art deco world, where it’s either snowing, raining or just night time. So if I do more stories there, there’s a lot of lore to explore.


    Still churning through the walking dead, I suspect it’s not really a show you should binge, but I’m sort of innoculated against the worst of it because I’m wathcing it while I work, so frequently miss stuff – much as I did with Ashoka, in fact it’s only after I saw someone mention it on twitter I discovered that the storm troopers where zombies??? Flew right past me (much like abolt from a storm troopers weapon would, those dolts can hit the side of a barn dead or alive)


    Tomorrow the site launches. I dunno what to expect? An audience? I dunno. I’ve stuck a kofi link (it’s on every page, god I hope it’s not annoying) it sort of floats at the bottom and you can donate whatever you fancy to me. Obviously I’ve site costs (but, so far, they’re minor) and time costs for doing the work, but you know, I’ve taken that on myself.

    What will success look like? Doing it was the real reason to do it, if you see what I mean. But an unread comic always feels sort of sad to me, so I’m hoping we get some numbers. We’ll see.

    I’ll be sending out my newsletter tomorrow (tinyletter.com/pjholden) just to announce it on there. My newsletter has gotten a bit of a lease of life since I started the A4 ‘zine, I’ll post on there every time I get one together, and I’ve about 360 people in the newsletter. Let’s hope that bumps up. But I will only send it monthly… except this month, where I’m giving myself an extra bite of the cherry because of the null space…


    Blogtober continues, as does inktober and monstertober and helltober and I dunno what else. Anyway, here’s my inktober drawing for today, Cthulhu….

    Cthulu rising from the ocean, disturbing two tiny boats. Below him the text "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise"
  • Johnny Rotten

    Or Johnny Ghoul, or Johnny Spade (or, from twitter and Ian Lineham, Johnny Coffin) are all names I’m mulling over for a funny little four page detective story set in Archangel, City of Monsters (where humans comingle with vampires, werewolves, cat-ladies, zombies, invisible women and any kind of monster you’d find in a b-movie).

    I’d originally written the part of the detective as a human (this city has ‘em) but it just felt wrong, and then I realised why – he was, frankly, the dullest character on the page. So I mulled it over some more, and I honestly don’t think there’s any story couldn’t be improved by including Frankenstein. So I rewrote it for Frankenstein’s monster as detective, including making all of his dialogue mumbly and murmery and using heavy text captions, which was much funnier (to my eye) but still … not there yet.

    Then following a few serious binges of the walking dead, which I’d stopped midway through series one, because I had young kids, one of whom had been in and out of hosptial a LOT when he was younger and I was too squeamish to deal with the tv show after that – but now my kids are 18 and 15 and I no longer lie awake at night worrying about them, so let’s blow up all the zombie children Rick Grimes. Anyway, after a bunch of walking dead, I thought – let’s make him a zombie. And the name Johnny Rotten, Undead Detective popped into my head and I thought “Yup!”.

    So I refigured it and scribbled up some detailed layouts for the four page script and it all worked. It all worked lovely. If I’ve time I might spend it drawing this up.

    But of course, I’m left thinking … that name… will it be a problem? So I’m in a bit of a limbo state over the name.

    I still love Johnny Rotten. But Johnny Zombie has rhyme appeal even as it feels a bit generic, Johnny Ghoul is good, but suggests he investigates the undead or something and he’s not, he’s just your average gumshoe in a world of monsters. Though I did like Johnny Spade, suggesting graves and Sam Spade. Anyway, I will read any comments and take them on board.


    I do wonder if anyone is reading this, it feels like the early days of blogging where you were guaranteed that no one would read it, then slowly, through webrings and rss feeds and just a gradual constant drip drip of blog posts you’d find that yes, people were coming, and then twitter became an massive dopamine mine, you could hit again and again multiple times again. I suppose this is healthier. I’d like people to read it, but not so many I can mess up my career by saying something stupid (I do remember other artists saying they enjoyed my blog but they’d never post any of the things I’d post just in case – these weren’t horrific opinions they were simply me admitting some days I couldn’t draw very well. It’s still the case, but I’m better at keeping it to myself.


    Oh still at the old Inktober thing. Running out of funny things to do with it already. We’ll see… (I don’t check the list until I’m doing that day then I have to read it and go “Oh!”) this was done with pen and ink, not a medium I’m any good at any more (or ever, really) god, I miss being good with a brush. I suspect I need better glasses. And hand-eye coordination. Computers have ruined me for traditional art!!!