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About Emma Newman

Emma Newman writes short stories, novels and novellas in multiple speculative fiction genres. She is a professional audiobook narrator, and a Hugo Award winning podcaster. Her current podcasts are ‘Imagining Tomorrow’ and ‘Tea and Sanctuary’. www.enewman.co.uk

The Script

Comic script - this is exactly what happened to my son in the small hours of this morning. I only saw the messages when I woke up, and he told me what happened once he was awake. It made me laugh, and I immediately thought it might make a fun comic and Beanie agreed!

A young man (if you want to base him loosely on my son, he’s 16 years old, tall, short brown hair, blue eyes) is about to leave his room but spots a huge spider on wall next to the door (it is on the wall that the door would rest against when open and the dressing gown hanging on the back of the door would brush against where the spider is) . 

He is terrified of spiders, so he can’t open the door. It’s the small hours of the morning.

He leaps onto his bed on the other side of the room, a bookcase blocking the line of sight between him and the spider and tries to phone his Mum who is sleeping in her room across the landing, and message her on WhatsApp, but her phone is on ‘Do not disturb’ so there’s no answer. 

Panicking, he phones friends until one finally picks up - ‘Help! There’s a huge spider in my room!’

Friend: What colour is it?

Beanie: Black? Brown? I dunno! It was BIG

Friend: You’re okay, I don’t think they can climb.

Beanie: IT’S ON MY WALL! (throughout the rest of this exchange the friend also now freaking out is just making Bean panic even more!) 

Friend: Oh, that one can climb then! Just dash out the door!

Beanie: It’s by the door, I can’t get out!

Friend: IT’S IN YOUR ROOM?! 

Beanie: Yes, I told you this!

He peeps round the bookcase. The spider is gone!

Beanie: It’s gone!


Beanie’s eyes flick to all the posters it could be hiding behind, and all the clothes and stuff on his floor it could now be lurking under.


He hangs up and hides in the duvet. If you think that a final shot on the spider’s hiding place would be a good ending, do add that in, but happy to end it on Beanie hiding.


Artists Notes

One of the goals of the project was to try and work with as many writers as possible, and so I told every writer "Don't worry - I'll take any format of script" - there are sort of comic script standards, and attempts have been made in the past to really hammer them in, but for the most part every writer I work with works a little different anyway. That said, this script required a lot of thinking about to get the most out of the story (you can argue amongst yourself whether that's what I did).

Firstly there's a sort of action limit in comics, every action will usually require one panel - character opens door, walks through door, locks door? that's three panels. I felt like, on this script, there was too much going on to fit in the super limited single page I had, plus some of the action I wanted to build it up a bit more, so I knew I'd be putting a bunch of panels towards the getting ready to go out (because build up build up build up build up PUNCHLINE!) I also knew I wanted the dialogue interaction to have that ratatatat rapid delivery, which meant I'd get a single panel for that set of dialogue. This meant brutalising the story a little, cutting out the contacting of his mum and going straight to the friend. I also wanted a little end note on the spider - I thought that would be fun, a happy little chappy. (remove the last spider panel and the page feels like it's not quite finished - it's a figurative and literal full stop)

The manga shading effect/speedlines came after I'd drawn it and realise it would work better with a little bit of manga (tonally too, fits a teen), and the coloured lettering was because I needed someway to quickly distinguish the two sets of dialogue (I decided to eschew clip studio's balloon lettering tools a) because it would take ages to get exactly how I want it and b) because I thought I could add more character to it that way. The background of the room is pretty much a direct tracing of my teenage son's bedroom (which is so quintessentially teenager it looks like a set from a modern John Hughes teen comedy). (And it's all my son's work, he's done that all without parental help)

Anyway. This was finished the day before publication, but I think it turned out ok.

Oh, and because I drew it, and then slathered lettering all over it, here's the page without dialogue...

The Sunday Blog about the Saturday Live Show…

So, had the second of the Saturday Live Sketch Shows last night, some early teething issues aside it was pretty fun (the video was very stuttery to begin with, eventually dropped the resolution which was pretty high res, to something more manageable but STILL pretty high quality) you can watch the video or just look at the sketches from that page.

And I’ve even secured the iphone camera a little better so that should result in a much better, less drifty video.

I’ve got a stacked dance card for next week, but the following week I’ve nothing booked! And If you’d like me to sketch something for you, you can get in on that! (for details see the faq)

Should note, next week I move the show to 8pm from 9pm, that’s purely because I’ve discovered kids are watching and it suits them (and, tbh, me) a little better to move it up one hour. Plus if it spills over, there’s a little legroom for me.

The following week though the show moves – for that week – to Sunday at 8pm. It’s my son, Thomas’s 12th birthday that Saturday so we’ll be busy.

Just want to say thanks to everyone who watched the show, sticking with the jumpy video at the beginning, I found it hugely fun, and as long as I can continue to get a little bit of paid commissions for the show then I’ll keep on broadcasting. Hopefully getting the technical aspects of it better and better as we go along!

Sunday Night Live Sketch Show #4 7 June 2020

This weeks show has been moved to Sunday at 8 because Saturday is my youngest Son Thomas’s 12th birthday!

This week’s show has about half the bookings filled, the sketches to be done so far are:

  • Matthew – Death’s Head (inked)
  • Michael – MasterChief (inked)
  • Cathal – Yassa Povey
  • Dave – Kid Knee
  • Eamonn – Judge Dredd
  • Francis – Dredd with Badge (inked)

And here they are, the sketches for this week’s show!

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Saturday Sketch Show #3 30th May 2020

This week’s sketch list is now closed!

You can rewatch this week’s show here:

Sketches for this weeks show:

  • Tom – Chimpsky (to be inked)
  • Tom (again) – Judge Fire (to be inked)
  • EamonnChimpsky
  • ChrisFink Angel or Judge Fear (will decide on the day! excitement!) fully inked!
  • Irene – Dreddpool
  • Irene (again) – Mini Mouse

If you’d like to book a sketch for next week’s show (next week’s show will be on Sunday from 8!) check out the FAQ.

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Saturday Sketch Show Live #2 23 May 2020

This weeks sketch list is fully booked! thanks all. Hope you enjoy seeing the sketches take life on the show!

This week’s show suffered a little from some video problems but we eventually ironed them out and it should be great from next week. You can rewatch it here in three parts, the first two the video was practically still images, but the audio is grand. From part three below it’s all good:

Sketch list for this week’s show:

  1. JP – Morbius The Living Vampire
  2. Roger – Pops (from my graphic novel with Garth Ennis, The Stringbags)
  3. Mike – Dredd
  4. Declan -my choice- I DREW BATMAN!
  5. Derek – Domino
  6. Joe – Dredd
  7. Neil – Johnny Alpha
  8. Chris –  Roäc son of Carc from The Hobbit
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Saturday Sketch Show Live #1 16 May 2020

Sketches done this episode:

  • Dredd & Anderson
  • Dredd (with Badge)
  • Judge Hershy
  • Bounty Hunter (from DeadSignal)
  • Dredd (angry!)
  • Dredd (heavily shadowed)

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PJ’s Live Sketch Show

So, Sunday night from 8pm I’m gonna be doing a regular Sketch Show (Drawings not Jokes)

(*Yes, the show was previously on a Saturday, I’ve moved it!*)

Where to Watch

You can watch the first few epiosdes on youtube, but to catch me live, you’ll find me at the following:

Now, part of the deal is that I’m drawing commissions, I can do about 7 pencil sketches in the hour long show and week one is full committed.

Bookings are OPEN. Simply email me pjholden@gmail.com with the subject line Live Sketch

Previous Episodes

Episode 1 16th May 2020 – Sketches in this episode include: Dredd & Anderson – Dredd (with Badge) – Judge Hershy – Bounty Hunter (from DeadSignal) – Dredd (angry!) – Dredd (heavily shadowed)

Episode 2 23rd May 2020 – Morbius, Pops (from The Stringbags), Dredd, Domino, BATMAN, Dredd, Johnny Alpha, and Roac son of Carc from the Hobbit

Episode 3 30th May 2020 – Chimpsky, Fink Angel (or Judge Fear) inked, Chimpsky(inked), and Judge Fire (inked) – Dreddpool, Mini Mouse.

Episode 4 SUNDAY 7th June 2020 -Death’s Head (inked), MasterChief (inked),Yassa Povey,Kid Knee, Judge Dredd, Dredd with Badge (inked)

Episode 5SUNDAY 14th June 2020 – Durham Red, a Triptych featuring: Dan Dare, Dredd, Toby (Halo Jones), Halo Jones – Kano, Dredd, B. Zane (from Numbercruncher), Mean Machine, Trapper Hag (my choice!) and Catwoman – packed double length show!

And that’s it for Season 1 – I will be back in August, I think, and hopefully you can join me then!


The FAQ has moved to its own page.



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Folklore Thursday: Fire

Originally posted at my Patreon.

This is one of those strips you feel smug about how you’ve turned it into to something. John’s tweets can sometimes be so evocative they paint a picture right in my brain and I’ve just got Toppi’s The Enchanted World so the combination provoked a reaction. I’ll not pretend I got any where near Toppi (I am but a bit of smouldering moss to his bright white hot sun) but sometimes it’s about trying something. 

It’s all digital, think this could have benifited from being a traditionally drawn thing. Mark making in digital is so restrictive compared to the same thing in analogue. By which I mean you can get a variety of cool marks from the digital tools but you’re rarely surprised by them. Ink splatter, rough lines, etc. All possible, but all identically repeatable.

Even lifting a stick and dipping it in ink will produce more variety, more surprises, so I am slightly cross with myself for not giving that ago. But who knows, we’ve 10 more strips to do! (TEN??? That’ can’t be right.. but no… looks like that is.. crickey!) so maybe I’ll get to do try this again. 

On the other hand, two very monochrome strips one after the other, time for something radically different (a photostrip?? that would be … weird… doable… but weird…? I dunno, sod it, the idea is in my head now…)

Anyway, hope you like it!

Don’t forget, at the end of all this I’m giving away some art, to the top 5 patron contributors, Patron informs me I can’t RANDOMLY give away sketches to patrons (as it’s considered a raffle), so instead of giving two sketches to random patrons, I’ll give sketches to the TOP *7* patreons (so if you’re on a $1 pledge you could guarantee a sketch by moving to the a $10 pledge fairly easily 🙂

And now a word from our sponsors:


I’ve figured out how to multistream and how to get all the comments in one place too, so this Saturday I’ll be sketching. I’ve a full list of commissions to get through, so for one hour, you’ll watch me sketch about 7-8 drawings. Tune in, and if you’d love a sketch for yourself, you can commission for the following weeks show by emailing me pjholden@gmail.com.

Saturday Live Sketch Show

So, I reckon I can do about 7 sketches in an hour, and this weeks show will feature the following sketches:

  1. JPMorbius The Living Vampire
  2. RogerPops (from my graphic novel with Garth Ennis, The Stringbags)
  3. MikeDredd
  4. Declan -my choice-
  5. DerekDomino
  6. JoeDredd
  7. NeilJohnny Alpha

I could probably sneak one or two more into the show, making it run over the hour, so if you’re interested, you should email me pjholden@gmail.com subject line “Live Sketch”

If you’d rather just pop along and here me ramble while drawing these things, the please do so – this Saturday, 9pm on twitch.tv/pjholden

This week in Comics…

It’s the last episode of Chimpsky! I hope you won’t be disappointed. Under a great cover by Neil Googe.

And in this week’s Judge Dredd Megazine, under a cover by ME. The final part of Bad Sector by me and Arthur Wyatt.

And soon (I think a couple of days, actually…) if you’ve been starved of my work…

PJ Holden’s LIVE Sketch Show…

I did a live sketch thing yesterday that was a lot of fun. Did a bunch of sketches for people (A5 on card, drawn in pencil, £30 each) and ended up having a few more to do that I kept going and did another live sketch show. The first was via facebook, the second via twitter.

I enjoyed doing them so much (I’ll be honest, I like drawing and talk at the same time, it’s one of my favourite things to do at comic cons) that I’ve decided to make it a weekly thing.

With the caveat that I’d like to get paid to sketch!

So, every Saturday at 9pm I will attempt to sketch up to 10 drawings in one hour. (I seem to be able to do about 7 mind you).

You can watch the watch the pilot episode, I did earlier this evening at my twitch channel here.

Which means, before Saturday I’d like to build a list of sketch requests up so I HAVE sketches to do for Saturday and, you know, if you’re not doing conventions and you fancy getting a nice pencil sketch of something 2000ad related (or other thing related) then you can!

Just email me pjholden@gmail.com with the subject line “Live Sketch” and the thing you’d like sketched.

A5 sketches are half A4, the more ambitious your idea the less likely is it’ll be very big. It’s a great size for a portrait shot, or maybe a bust shot (not that kind of bust) I could probably do a full figure, but it wouldn’t be very big at all (and frankly, I’m likely to just say no!)

Anyway, I’ll do this for a while, my plan is to fund myself buying a brand spanking new ipad Pro, 12.9″ with apple care and an apple pencil (approx £1069 for the 256Mb model, applecare £129 and the pencil is £119 – so a total of £1317 or … uhm… 44 sketches… this could take a while…)