Spider Killer
About Adrian Tchaikovsky
Adrian Tchaikovsky is an award-winning and highly acclaimed science fiction and fantasy author with works published at home in the UK and internationally.
By Adrian Tchaikovsky
1: A Conanesque HERO stalking through a natural cave tunnel with his sword drawn. Bare, chested, big jaw, narrow eyes wary for danger. Thought bubble trail leading to panel 2:
2: A WITCH is wildly prophesying to the HERO in a tavern. She is a wild old crone in a robe, gesturing with crooked hands.
1: WITCH: (picture of a spider)
3: A view from past the HERO into a huge cavern with a huge, bloated SPIDER. He stands heroically, holding his sword high. The SPIDER is rearing up, bared fangs and high-reaching legs.
4: The HERO has made a mighty swing of his sword carving a great cut in the SPIDER’s abdomen (for reasons that will be clear below, no innards seen).
1: SPIDER:(Skull)
5: Back in the tavern the HERO is boasting to the WITCH, with a big grin, jabbing his thumb at himself.
1: HERO(spider) = (skull)
6: The WITCH pulls the top of her robe open revealing a big, chunky SPIDER AMULET which she points to. She is grinning evilly.
7: The HERO’s shocked reaction, pointing (perhaps at the AMULET being dangled in the foreground)
8: In the cave the enormous body of the bloated SPIDER lies there with the line of the enormous cut the HERO made in its abdomen evident.
9: As above, but the slit in the dead SPIDER’s abdomen has opened and however many smaller spiders as you feel drawing are swarming out in a great tide, eclipsing some of the panel edges.
Artist's Notes
Total drawing time time: 5hrs 36min - this was the first of the Null Space series and I wasn't sure how I'd approach it so it took a stupidly long amount of time.
I added a little last bit of dialogue to the final panel, just to make it all pop.