Away From Keyboard

Ok, my timing isn’t perfect, but might actually be a good thing. I’m off to Cheltenham tomorrow for the book-fest meeting Derek Landy and doing a talk. Will be back on Monday, that means I’m unlikely to get much done beyond reading a book and signing some books (hopefully) so no inktober/blogtober for me (well, I’ll try and blog, we’ll see!)

As I write this, my very basic stats tell me we’ve had 500 visitors to the webcomic, that’s a good start. It’ll shrink, of course, and hopefully pickup again. As I said before I’m not sure what a measure of success is here, but building out the infrastructure and figuring out HOW to do this has been useful in and of itself. As an experiment I’ve also uploaded it to tapas, with a plan to run it there every Wednesday (a few days behind the blog here) to see if there’s a different audience over there (or indeed any audience)/

Anyway, see you monday if I don’t see you before!