A week of blogging

Last Sunday I decided – over on that there twitter – that I’d blog for the entire week.

No rhyme or reason for it, just a sort of wistful wondering if I could do it.

What I find with these things is once you open your mind to it the ideas sort of flow.

So these week, The topics I’ve covered have been:

Blender Basics – some of the traps I fell in to when first playing with Blender.

Blender to Sketchfab – moving free 3d objects from sketchfab to blender so you could later bring them in to Clip Studio.

I have a whole lot more to say on this subject, and really could write a book on the tiny subsection of things I’ve had to learn just to do some pretty basic modelling too, and how that all interacts in Clip Studio. Plenty of material there.

I’ve also written about what I’ve been watching this week, what books I’ve got on my shelves and what hotkeys I’ve set up on clip studio.

The thing is, I could keep going – each of those topics above suggest other topics – my shelves? Every book on there deserves a blog post – or, at least, for the How-To-Draw section some recommendations, and maybe I’ll do that. Plenty of stuff still to say on clip studio, and drawing in general. What I’ve done is proven to myself I can do it, what I haven’t done is proven there’s enough of an audience to justify it.

It could be moving the blender stuff to youtube is a good idea – big audience over there. I’m a show off, I like people to see the stuff I’ve done, otherwise it’s just sort of sitting there.

But look, if you’ve enjoyed this week, let me know – I love twitter, it’s instant feedback loop is incredibly addictive and requires very little work (beyond thinking of a funny joke) but it’s so ephemeral and I started blogging 20 years ago (for better or worse, a lot of that content is now gone) I think blogging is due a come back.