Well, I’m not going to do any drawing tomorrow, but let me tell you – phew, what a month.
In the end, I pencilled 47 pages and inked 49.
It felt good. It breaks down like this:
Week Beginning | Pencils | Inks |
2 Jan 2023 | 12 | 8 |
9 Jan 2023 | 5 | 11 |
16 Jan 2023 | 29 | 1 |
23 Jan 2023 | 1 | 24 |
31 Jan 2023 (so far) | 0 | 5 |
That included two episodes of the Leopard from Lime Street and finishing chapters three and four of Bad Magic (the Skulduggery Pleasant graphic novel written by Derek Landy). Next month I have the final two chapters to complete.
If you’re a patreon member you can see and follow the progress of the work I’ve done over the last month, and I intend to try and keep that format of weekly updates with photos of my work journal.

I’m feeling pretty good about not only how much work I did, but the quality of it (and idiot might say “fast pages aren’t good pages”, but I’ve always maintained, for me, the opposite is often true – fast pages frequently are ones I’ve felt confident about, slow pages are the ones that I’ve had to labour over).
Last time I hit a burst of speed like this was for the second volume of Dept of Monsterology (and I’m still really happy with a lot of those pages).
One worrying factor is if I DO the same next month, I’ll literally run out of work – but then, I can always start looking for more. Certainly, like an idiot I’ve started to turn over the idea of a commando digest style comic as a possible project. That’ll pass. I’m sure that’ll pass. I think.
Anyway, hope you had a good start to the year, mine has been great!