Savage Dragon

Out this Wednesday is issue 245 of Savage Dragon, Erik Larson’s impressively long running superhero strip.

A while ago (actually quite a while ago) during a bit of a lull in work, I put it out there that if anyone needed a backup strip in an Image comic I’d be happy to do it. And Erik got in touch and asked if I’d like to do a Savage Dragon strip. And ho boy would I!

This is the first time I’ve ever worked “marvel” style, and it was a lot of fun. (And I wouldn’t mind doing more of that kind of work).

Lovely colouring and some great, great lettering rounded everything off, and if you pick up the comic, I hope you’ll like my small contribution…


And here’s some behind the scenes sketches…

I drew this first page a few times…

This next page has Erik’s overdraw, since I was pretty off-model…

Anyway, hope you like it!