It begins again (A4)

I opened my notes app on my iphone and typed A4 Issue Four. Somehow I’ve still got ideas.

(For those that don’t know, A4 is my monthly ‘zine with micro stories in it and you can download it free, and, ideally print and fold it to make a neat little standee – it’s a pretty clever idea if I say so myself)

The writer/educator Una McCormack is taking copies of A4 along to her writing workshops in CERN. Which… I might be wrong here… but I think that makes me… a… scientist? I’m unsure.

It’s cool, right?

Anyway, the way it normally works is I’ll be driving somewhere, start thinking about stories for A4 and then hit upon some idea that I think might be a nugget of something and start figuring out how I’ll tell that story – like telling a joke. Nice to know nearly 16 years on twitter was all worth it. (Not really)


Friday last week is possibly one of the most expensive days of my life, early at 8:46 I phoned the dentist, luckily the had an appointment free, so I wandered up the street (it’s very close) only to find that they’re making the shift to private (theoretically keeping NHS patients, but the reality is all of their resources are moving to private, so you’ve no mission of getting an appointment) and introducing a monthly charge (along with regular charges for the various procedures) at 9:20 the dentist told me I needed a tooth out (I’m not proud of this, I blame a certain level of foolhardiness in my twenties when I’d go days without brushing my teeth) so he yanked that out. But, luckily it was NHS still – so only cost me £14. Reeling from this, I went home, whereupon the guy who did our kitchen had arrived to pick up the rest of his money for fitting it. Then, not an hour later, the guy who had done the maintenance check on our gas boiler turns up, figures out there’s a fault and then tells me to repair it is gonna cost the guts of £1000.

Honestly, I’ve had better days.


On the work front, I’m waiting on scripts, I’ll normally not talk about stuff coming up because I’ve always been superstitious about work – until it’s finished and in print it may never happen. (I’ve had things that I’ve been paid for not come out, luckily not many, but enough to make me wary) but right now I’ve a six months worth of work waiting on turning up, it’s the sort of platonic ideal of work for me – just enough to give me something to do, but not so much that I can’t keep my tinder dry for the odd short that might crop up. Of course, if it’s the only work I do for six months it’s gonna be a cold, cold winter. So we’ll see.


Catch up on the old Inktober nonsense. Thought it would be fun and add a bit of something different if, as well as doing the helltober sketches instigated by Ben Templesmith I added an appopriate motivational message to them. Of course, this was a stupid idea. I could have told you it was a stupid idea. AND YET. Here we are.

I missed yesterdays, so here it is:

Pen and ink drawing of the spider head monster from The THING. Beside it it’s written “If a thing is worth doing - it’s worth doing right.”

OF COURSE, this is the sketch that took three attempts and is still bloody awful looking. Ugh. Anyway, more success with todays…

Pen and ink drawing of the The xenomorph from Alien, beside him is an egg. Also text, the text reads “Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow”

Altogether much better, granted I started with a known image of the xeno morph and then I just tried to PJ it up. (In a good way)

Also, man alive the idea of doing a motivational message was stupid, originally this was going to be “Blood is thicker than water” and then I added the egg and it just popped into my head. And here we are.