One Small Step…

Thomas (my 12 year old son, who’s currently working on inking episode 2 of Servant 72) has introduced my to Junji Ito, and his brand of short story existential dread, and it’s really opened my noggin up to writing little short horror type stories.

From my notebook the idea was “Astronaut Frozen in Place on Moon – can’t move becomes part of moonscape”

Then I sat and wrote it out, basically writing out almost exactly he dialogue you see here, but with no panel descriptions, though I largely knew what they would look like.

Here’s the full script:

"Last Man on the Moon" [They left me here]
The suit will keep me alive, maybe even for years but I can't move.
We thought we knew everything about the moon. Here in teh darkest place deep in the South Pole-Aiken crater things are here.
I can see them.
The cew think I'm dead but I'm not. Just immobile.
At least here I can see the stars.
Until Sunrise/ Without the visor I'll see it once. Then nothing.

I’d probably futzed around with it forever (initially I posted it to twitter, and I’ve since tweaked some lettering, and redrawn the first face…)

Anyway, I’ve got a few more of these ideas scribbled in a notebook, as long as I can keep them managably small, I see no reason I can’t get them done.

A bunch of these, then I’ll tackle something much longer …