Comic Series

Review of the Year 2015

I do one of these every year around new years day, this was from 2015. Unfortunately after shutting down my old blog the 10 years worth of these all disappeared. But here’s one that I have…

And here’s a brief follow up: Annette finally had an arm operation a couple of months ago (so, pretty much two years later). The extra bone growth had stopped her being able to twist her wrist and was starting to cause a numbness (not good!) and arm operated on, she has a large (but cool) scar on her arm, and is largely doing fine.

My productivity was up and down for the rest of the year, and actually 2016 turned out ok. 2017 started slow but hopefully will be good…

Who knew there were rip off micron pens

These are not the microns you’re looking for. Top is a genuine. Below that all fake.

Differences seem to be the quality of the non just isn’t as good and the ink isn’t as water resistant as the proper microns.

As an aside, after months of all digital drawing it’s lovely to do something on paper with ink.