Ah man, I started the year with the best of intentions, but have really lost track of everything I did! (just like last year, and the previous year and pretty much every year)
Let’s see, some stuff I know for a fact:
Finished Drawing Dark Pyramid for Madcave Studios – 5 issue mini, but I THINK issue 1 I finished in 2023. But that’s 88 pages. (Plus four covers, I think! so 92)
Wrote an Old Dog six pager for Declan Shalvey,did roughs for that which was then finished by John McCrea
Drew Devlin Waugh episodes 2-6 at 12 pages each that’s another 60 pages.
For John McCrea, I roughed Hookjaw (14 pages)
For Mad Cave a new project (issue 1 finished just before xmas) that’s 20 pages.
A dredd strip – two parts – that’s 12.
For DC I drew Sgt Rock – 6 pages.
For Battle Action I drew Major Eazy – that’s uhm… 14.
Drew a couple of episodes of Gums, and some other strip work for dear, departed Monster Fun, just as I was gaining steam there. That’s about six pages? (though usually pencils and inks and colours)
Oh, did I do Jarro (son of Starro!) this year too? Four pages, DC comics? 4
Also did roughs for a 12 page John McCrea short, that was fun.
And I wished it into existence, an EC Comics gig! – 10 pages.
DC Comics, First Watch – 10 pages (that seems like lot of DC stuff this year? maybe some happened last year?)
So ignoring the stuff that was roughs for McCrea and other odds and ends of completed work that I know I did but can’t quite remember what it was … that’s about 220 pages of work this year, which both seems like a lot and probably wasn’t enough. BUT – checking back, I worked out I’d drawn around 224 pages LAST year too, so this seems to be my sweet spot.
Next year, well, I’ve work lined up, but the delight is always in finding new unexpected things to do.
I will try and keep a better track though! I’m happy I got to write something (that was well received) but I need to push writing more if I want to do more writing (obviously)
Also, I went back to acting and did a decent amount of running – so getting slightly fitter. That will have to continue, as I’ve no intention of dying just yet!
Next year, I dunno, I guess I’ve got to find 220 pages of work to draw (currently lined up – about 100 or so…)
I’m gonna do more auditions the local am dram do three plays a year, and I’d like to get involved in each of them in some way (if not on stage then back stage and if not backstage just helping out), and I’m going to get involved in the improv scene in NI – I recognise this is a real marmite proposition for some people, but actually, it’s something I think I’ll really enjoy (unless I don’t, in which case… well, back to the drawing board, right?)