Decided to give paper and ink another turn. And this time it’s taken. Drawn a bunch of pages, I still haven’t got the full measure of my tools yet (and many of them were packed away two years ago when I moved and they haven’t come out of their packaging) but it’s nice to be drawing on paper again.
I had felt somewhat stagnant on the digital front, largely I knew the tricks I needed to get the results I wanted and that’s what I did, but it didn’t feel like there was any forward movement (plus as I’ve said many times, if you do a good page digitally you really miss having the thing in your hands, a print out isn’t the same at all)
I don’t know how long this return to paper will last, and honestly it’s been maybe six years since I last bought supplies (I would always over buy – 20 blocks of A3 paper, I think was my last purchase) and I suspect the prices of much that stuff has doubled or tripled in the time, so my first time buying new supplies is going to be very painful.
BUT the range of marks you can get – I was doing explosions using a dry brush and dabbing tissue paper on the page – means you’re constantly getting nice new accidental effects.
Feeling freshly in love with drawing. Which is nice.
So, I’ve now completed Improv Level 1 and we had our graduation show. Scarier to think about than to actually do, I really enjoyed it.
Working a bit backwards, the name “Hot Air Cosmonauts” – given to the group because, well, all troupes have a collective name and you sort of get gifted it as you go. It came out of two moments, one where me and another performer were supposed to be two characters working a hot air balloon only to find when you get up and do it you literally know nothing about hot air balloons. Gas, we figured out gas eventually. But not before the idea that maybe it ran on coal came up. It was fun. And later, surrounded by people twenty years my junior you discover not everyone knows what a cosmonaut is. And so, on the day of the performance we find out we’re called Hot Air Cosmonauts. I don’t hate it. But suspect that name might not stick.
Some things I’ve learned about improv are that it very much is something you have to watch live, some short forms can be made to work recorded, but with an audience, but really you need an audience to be following you along with the run of the thing for it to work and be funny. It’s fascinating to see scenes (prior to doing improv I’d’ve called them sketches) just not working, but then a second swing at the same scene and… still doesn’t work, audience shift, another go and this time, uproar, as whatever wasn’t working before suddenly works because of a slight tweak in some part of the scene. And if you isolate any three of those scenes on their own they just wouldn’t play. Not even the one that eventually worked, because part of the reason it worked is because it was built on the bones of the previous two attempts.
Saw that happen more than once, and the lesson I think as a performer is that it doesn’t matter if it goes wrong, you’re not the entire meal you’re one part of the stew.
I’ve really enjoyed hanging out with the others from my class, Paul Mone who runs the thing is very good at making the space very safe, and it has to be because you really need to be able to trust the rest of the performers if you’re going to get up on stage with and be vulnerable – no prelearnt lines, just making stuff up.
I expected to enjoy the entire thing, I felt like this is very much for me – even before seeing improv live and before taking any classes (my 16 year old son, on hearing me describe the thing “you’ve found your people”). I used to watch whose line is it any way and have day dream about doing some of those games in front of an audience. if I have any regrets it’s that I didn’t do something like this 30 years ago.
Oddly, I am slightly jealous of the other people in the class who had no idea of if they’d like it, but they did it for fun and discovered they loved it. That little road to damascus must be great.
I’ve settled in for another course, 8 weeks level two, which pretty much all but a couple of people from the year one are also taking. At the end of that I’ll be looking for opportunities to perform (as well as workshops and other things) and taking it from there.
There are photos, but without context (and the context being, you’d really need to have been there) it’s a little odd posting them, so my cartoon memories is about all you’ll get I’m afraid.
It’s nice to find a new thing to love. One fun thing is, just before going to improv my wife (who I’ve always known wasn’t a fan of improv) had tickets to see me perform because she wanted to support me, and honestly, I appreciate it, but at the same time I thought she won’t like this. Plus I’ll be standing knowing she won’t like it and that’ll be playing on my mind as I get on stage. Eventually we agreed she’d stay home instead, much to both of our relief (even though we both denied we were relieved). The next day I sent her some photos and her single line response “I would have hated that”
So look I won’t think any less of you if it’s not for you, because it really isn’t for everyone, but I’ll tell you what – it’s very much for me.
And I thought, that’s interesting, stuff has moved on and it’d be interesting to just go over some of that stuff.
“My twitter experience is starting to reach the point where … well, it has no point.”
A year ago I disabled my twitter account, with the intent of letting it die. Well, my use of it did die. Didn’t take instantly, for a long time I had a burner account (useful because people would post links to a twitter post and you couldn’t read it without having a twitter account). The big worry is someone could nab your name to impersonate you, well, that’s been true of every digital domain ever – but no-one is sitting worrying about someone cybersquatting their myspace account.
In that time Bluesky has really taken the place of twitter for me. My follower count is way lower – 6k rather than the former twitter height of 15k, but happily there’s many of the old twitter accounts I follow now on bluesky, so it’s become my new dopamine hit. I do think at scale (once people are following many thousands of people) algorithmic timelines have their uses (say even a simple one where you always see people you interact with even if they’re posting in a timezone utterly outside your own) but they are the devils temptation for companies to think “oh wait, why don’t we charge for exposure” – so blueskys like of main algo feed is good.
Last year I also posted:
“I’ve been trying to get out and walk a bit lately, as you’ll be unsurprised to find out my physical fitness is just dreadful.”
Well, me and my mate Jim eventually went from walks where my legs were aching and me looking to burn a modest 250kcalories, to couch to 5k, and actually completing it, to running my first 5k and then sort of sliding a bit, we now do every few days a 5k walk/run, combo. Look, it’s better than where I was before! and it’s sustainable. Did the park run for a little while, but usually we’ll go for a run(run/walk) monday, wednesday, and friday. Typically burning 453kcal (though my target is 500kcal)
Really long term if that is my exercise regime, that’s pretty good (I’m 55! if I wasn’t going to be a runner in my twenties it’s unlikely now!)
“I’m wondering if we’ve finally reached peak enshiffication yet?”
No, no we hadn’t – in fact, I’d argue, now Trump is in charge of the States and Musk has been given full reign to turn the US government into a digital project we’ve barely scratched the surface, an entire country is about the be enshittified, and from there the entire world. So grim.
“It’s coming time to update my passport, and genuinely I’m considering getting an Irish one. “
Ah, circumstances forced my hand, youngest son and wife were going to Disneyland paris and my wife took a dizzy spell, leading to vertigo for a few weeks and my passport had expired, so I ended up getting an emergency UK one. BUT she’s now got an Irish passport, and at some point possibly this year, I’ll end up doing the same (though it’s better if the two passports don’t overlap in time, because this stuff is expensive!)
“Tomorrow, in my old man is falling apart adventure, emergency dentist appointment”
And that marked the last time I had an NHS dentist, my dentist went private and gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse (“go private or go without”)
Hate. Hate it. Now I pay monthly fee so I can see them and if I need work done it will cost a fortune, and given I’m the generation of sweet treats and free dentistry, I’m largely expecting this to cost me a LOT of money before I eventually succumb to the sweet embrace of toothless death.
Anyway, work of mine coming up in print, and why you should read it!
As mentioned previously, DARK PYRAMID by me and Paul Tobin., Final Order cut off date for that is 17th of Feb, that means if you’d like your comic shop to get a copy for you YOU MUST ORDER BEFORE THAT DATE! Do not assume you’ll be able to wander in to the shop to buy a copy, sadly that’s not how comics work for anything other than DC and Marvel. Sure there MIGHT be stock in some comic shop somewhere, but almost certainly if you’d like a copy you’re gonna wanna preorder it!
Dark Pyramid is a brilliant mix of looming horror balanced with the very honest reflection of what social media does to the people who consume it. The story feels like its timely and honest, rather than using the day to day trappings of our modern life as tools to move the plot along. Where Dark Pyramid really shines is the grounding authenticity of human behavior. It’s captured so perfectly that it makes the whole story feel even more lived in and real. That, as far as storytelling goes, counts for a lot for me.
Overall 10/10
And if you like you can read a preview of it here!
Also out at the moment, I’ve a short in Oni’s EC’s Cruel Kingdom #2, written by Chris Condon.
Not the end of the line for me and EC Comics though! Next time, working with my Pal John McCrea — in … THE HONKING!
More to come, stay tooooned!
Outside of comics, Improv classes drawing to a close – will be doing a show Sunday Week – this is our graduation show, so first time performing in front of other human beings (Look, I’m not gonna tell you to come or not to it, but I’ll say it’s on in Lavery’s in Belfast, and even if I’m rubbish other people will be good). I’m batting an average of two funny things for every three rubbish things, so let’s hope that average improves. Slightly astonished at just how many safeguards and pretty sensible rules there are for improv (and terms… so many terms! montages! french braid! ground water! object work!). It’s largely all games with good smart rules for making things work, and well stated boundaries established early and the closest thing I can think of is when I did a lot of acting in my 20s and we’d often do warm up games, but in those days the idea of boundaries would’ve been alien and warm up games were often chaos. Probably a good job that has changed.
I’ve enjoyed it immensely, and have signed up for Improv Level 2 starting in March.
Some stuff to update. auditioned for a play “Da” (with Southbank, a very local to me amdram group) – didn’t get anything in it. Thought I did a decent read, but not quite as sparkling as I’d’a liked – that said, it was a fun play with a character Charlie, his Da, and his younger self – as the three main leads, and needed three people that would look right together. Could be I just didn’t fit. Never mind, will look forward to seeing the play when it’s on, and there may well be another chance at an audition for their summer play.
Did another audition, for another local am dram society (Bangor Players) this is a much bigger place than Southbank (which is basically a converted Scout hall) Bangor players have a really big theatre, and multiple rooms, just a big place really. Anyway, was very unsure of myself in it – it was an Agatha Christie play, so posh English accents, and I don’t think I have one of those in my tool bag. I did pull out the old faithful cornish accent for one character (a police sergeant) and I think I read that well, but sadly, didn’t get anything there.
To be honest, slightly crushing results. More because when I did acting in my twenties, firstly you were never not cast and though that was mostly because there were so many plays going on you audition for five or six and end up in at least one (or, as happened to me, you become one of those that directors know so they already have a part in mind for you) but also because without being in a play, and without further auditions I feel like I’ll have to sit on my hands until the next opportunity.
That said, I’ve started Improv – I’m just over half way through and honestly, I really love it. There’s some fascinating differences in the “writing” experience of it – caveat: I’ve not written a lot, but when I do I write to punchlines or plots and characters come second. Improv, on the other hand, is largely about characters (caveat caveat: so far, in my experience) Starting with one in mind and walking on the stage with another player who also has a character in mind, and then finding the plot together. Often there’s no punchline, you you’ll usually find some ending (albeit a tap on your shoulder to indicate another player is editing you out of that scene, possibly for your own sake)
So far, three weeks, and I’ve been to watch a bunch of improv show. I’ve found this far easier to socialise my way in to than I ever did comics – I don’t know if that’s because the stakes felt higher in comics or whether there was just more people involved who where at various levels and you get quite inside your own head about boundaries that don’t really exist (“I can’t talk to them, they’re [WRITER OF MY FAVOURITE BOOK]” or “Oh my god, that person is [FAVOURITE ARTIST OF ALL TIME]” – the truth is, in my experience you can walk up to them and start talking, because we’re all just humans. But anyway, my point is, those sorts of weird mental walls I haven’t built for myself in improv (which is a small local community) so it’s been very easy to sit and just chat to people doing it. It may just be I’m far older than I was when first walking in to the comics community, and that’s reduced my overthinking slightly.
We’ve been doing very short little skits in pairs, and each time we’ve been given a scenario, and been “edited” by the facilitator (one thing that’s been interesting is discovering just how much structure exists in improv, it’s so surprisingly bound by norms of behaviour that I think it’s what allows you to freedom to get on stage and be a bit silly.)
Here’s a big preview of my strip in ONI’s EC’s Cruel Kingdom by Chris Condon and me.
And Dark Pyramid issue 1 by me and Paul Tobin from Mad Cave gets a 10/10 review at Comiccon.
I auditioned today for a play called “Da” with my local am dram group. No idea if I’ll get something, but was fun to do it. I have to really will myself into doing this stuff – to get up on the audition day, leave the house and go do it, and then when I’m there I find myself thinking “oh this is the most natural thing in the world”.
The play is set in the 60s in Dublin about a writer returning home after the death of his Da, and while doing so he reconciles with his da – and relives moments from his childhood – the director called it a memory play – playing out his past memories on stage and talking to those ghosts, himself as a child, his da and other people.
Was worried I wouldn’t be able to hit the Dublin accent, I’d bought a copy of the play and had read through it a bit, and it was hard to maintain, but performing in front of people was easier (though at one point it went full on Cornish, but that’s ok, a temporary blip!)
As the world turns to embrace trump online, I’m finding I want to take solace in the world offline- next week I start Improv comedy for beginners. Another thing as long as I don’t think about I’m ok, but as it comes round I’ll find myself thinking “no, you’re gonna make a fool of yourself” – but I suspect, like acting once on stage once I’m doing it, I’ll really enjoy it. Told my mate Jim, the secret to getting work out of me is that I need instant feedback and flattery – I’ve got a dog like need for attention and treats.
So regardless of the play (which if I don’t get a part in I’ve volunteered to help back stage) over the nex six weeks I’ll be doing improve classes every Tuesday, leading to a performance. After that, I dunno. If I enjoy it? Who knows.
Ah man, I started the year with the best of intentions, but have really lost track of everything I did! (just like last year, and the previous year and pretty much every year)
Let’s see, some stuff I know for a fact:
Finished Drawing Dark Pyramid for Madcave Studios – 5 issue mini, but I THINK issue 1 I finished in 2023. But that’s 88 pages. (Plus four covers, I think! so 92)
Wrote an Old Dog six pager for Declan Shalvey,did roughs for that which was then finished by John McCrea
Drew Devlin Waugh episodes 2-6 at 12 pages each that’s another 60 pages.
For John McCrea, I roughed Hookjaw (14 pages)
For Mad Cave a new project (issue 1 finished just before xmas) that’s 20 pages.
A dredd strip – two parts – that’s 12.
For DC I drew Sgt Rock – 6 pages.
For Battle Action I drew Major Eazy – that’s uhm… 14.
Drew a couple of episodes of Gums, and some other strip work for dear, departed Monster Fun, just as I was gaining steam there. That’s about six pages? (though usually pencils and inks and colours)
Oh, did I do Jarro (son of Starro!) this year too? Four pages, DC comics? 4
Also did roughs for a 12 page John McCrea short, that was fun.
And I wished it into existence, an EC Comics gig! – 10 pages.
DC Comics, First Watch – 10 pages (that seems like lot of DC stuff this year? maybe some happened last year?)
So ignoring the stuff that was roughs for McCrea and other odds and ends of completed work that I know I did but can’t quite remember what it was … that’s about 220 pages of work this year, which both seems like a lot and probably wasn’t enough. BUT – checking back, I worked out I’d drawn around 224 pages LAST year too, so this seems to be my sweet spot.
Next year, well, I’ve work lined up, but the delight is always in finding new unexpected things to do.
I will try and keep a better track though! I’m happy I got to write something (that was well received) but I need to push writing more if I want to do more writing (obviously)
Also, I went back to acting and did a decent amount of running – so getting slightly fitter. That will have to continue, as I’ve no intention of dying just yet!
Next year, I dunno, I guess I’ve got to find 220 pages of work to draw (currently lined up – about 100 or so…)
I’m gonna do more auditions the local am dram do three plays a year, and I’d like to get involved in each of them in some way (if not on stage then back stage and if not backstage just helping out), and I’m going to get involved in the improv scene in NI – I recognise this is a real marmite proposition for some people, but actually, it’s something I think I’ll really enjoy (unless I don’t, in which case… well, back to the drawing board, right?)
Hope you had a good Christmas, mine involved a lot of driving and eating and cooking and eating and some sleeping. Pretty pretty good. The main event, for me, was the receipt of the fantastically large Extremity Signature Edition by Daniel Warren Johnson, this baby will get poured over when John McCrea next visits…
I’m 55 today. I’ve been blogging on this here internet since 1999. Over 35 years of nonsense. It turns out, a lot of drivel used in some small part of help LLMs churn out ever more drivel.
How’d this year go for you? The two significant things for me, was finally completing the couch to 5k thing and then doing sundry park runs. My running is still a stop start affair with spaces of walking (not always, I’d managed to get to a point where I could do a 32minute 5k but you miss a week and it’s a bit of a hard reset).
Plan in the coming year is to get more consistent with the running and bring that time down.
The other significant thing was a return to acting – I’ve had an off again/on again relationship with performing from a young age, acting in primary school (being told to audition for a professional play, bottling it through nerves) acting in secondary then putting it away until uni (at age 23) and doing a bunch of plays (getting nominated for an Irish Student Drama award for Best Supporting Actor) and then giving it up altogether around age 27, then coming back to it in 2016 age 46. Did a few plays, really enjoyed it, but events over took and covid and then coming back to it this year. I felt differently about it. I’m more prepared to embrace it and dive headlong in to it. I feel about it, much the way I felt about drawing comics when I was in my twenties. I loved my day job, but drawing was great fun to do and allowed a recharge. Then when drawing became my day job, there was nothing to let met recharge.
I think if I spend the next 20 years doing. bit of acting, having fun on stage, that’s not a bad way to think about the future.
Plus, to be honest, I have been feeling … burnt out a bit with drawing. A slow dawning realisation that I will never be doing anything other than drawing at a table (and as much as I love that, the thoughts of doing nothing but that until you die lingers like a prison sentence) so having – as my mate Jim often says “a third space” – somewhere that isn’t home and isn’t work, but is just for me, that has really helped.
Forward in the year, more auditions (no guarantee I’ll get any part, but even if I don’t I’ll volunteer in some way, having been away from the local am dram and come back to it, the welcome back has been lovely) but ALSO, starting in January I’ll be doing an Improv comedy class. And I’m sort of determined to make something happen there. I don’t know what, I don’t know how, and it will never rise above hobby, but I want to do something.
I’ve spent 20 years of my life working in IT, and drawing, then 20 years just drawing, and the next 20 I’d like to spend it drawing and doing fun stuff on stage with people.
Have a great one, I’ll be back with a count of presents, a birthday blog and I think some new year’s resolution. I don’t want to preempt what I’d like to say as we roll from the old year into the new, but there’s things I’m optimistic about outside of work, and that’s fired me up a bit about work too. Turns out if you do something other than the one job all the time then you can get a bit of a renewed lease on that work.
Thanks for sticking with me, if you’re on the blog ever. Let’s see if I can get a bit more life into this place next year, eh.
I haven’t been great at keeping people up to date about what’s happening in print, let’s try and do better next year!
2000AD Judge Dredd Megazine issue 474 “Devlin Waugh: Two Months Off Part 2” Things get weird for Devlin and chums. Written by Ales Kote.
Monster Fun issue 26 FINAL ISSUE. Bit sad about this one, the final issue of Monster Fun, it had a good run (longer run than the issue numbers describe as originally it was only once every two months). I draw Gums, Draw with ‘Andi and a Prankenstien strip in this one.
And finally… coming in the new year (February!)
Battle Action issue 7 Major Eazy, written by Rob Williams.